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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Free Hugs for Japan at Washington Square Park/Continue to Lend Support!

Minasan, kon'nichiwa!

I intended to explain to you all about this event that took place on Sunday but as I tried to do so with some friends, I really couldn't. It can truly only be explained as an experience. I continue to be in awe at moments that I witness in which people unite for something that really speaks to them. In this scenario, a group of people did so via facebook and together, we brought about this beautiful event. It consisted of people giving out free hugs (who were the ones who came up with this idea initially), musicians (my best friend having been one), singers, and a dancer (myself). Together we joined this cold Sunday to raise money to help our friends in Japan and even though I now have a cold, I couldn't feel more honored to have been a part of it. Here are some shots I took throughout the day (sorry some are a bit blurry but it was a rush to try and capture the moment):

We were also able to enjoy a duet from two people, Connie and Terry, from different parts in Japan who sang an original piece titled "Please Pray for Japan," sung in Japanese. They were asked to give an encore and so they sang another Japanese song to which I was asked to accompany in dance. Such an honor!!

Perhaps these pictures don't look like much but I guarantee that this day was unlike any other. It was a beautiful experience that really did yield an excellent result! I don't know of the amount collected as of yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I do. Also, a video of the day is in the works which I will also let you know when it is up. Hopefully it can show what I mean a lot better than I can describe on here.

Obviously, though, this has come and gone. I previously said that I would post some links that had to do with ways in which we could all help so I'll provide them here:

The American Humane Society (Donation for helping out the animals)

Network for Good (An extended list of charities that are helping out)

InterAction (Another list of groups making contributions and accepting donations)

Second Harvest Japan (Food and supply donations as well as monetary)

I'm more than likely going to look into supporting the food and supply donations for the time being but for those who want and can donate money, please do so! I especially urge to look into the "Network for Good" and "InterAction" links, as they provide lists so you can investigate where you'd like to donate more thoroughly. Also, for anyone who is looking for an interesting Spring Break opportunity or Summer opportunity, I recommend the work/volunteer opportunity as well.

Hope you guys enjoyed this and are doing what you can to help out our friends!

Sore made!

Luna-tick Tock

Saturday, March 19, 2011

For Japan With Love: Bloggers Day of Silence

A week ago yesterday, Japan was hit with the horrible events of a tsunami, powerful earthquakes, and threats of radiation leaks, each causing the next. When I heard of that, it inspired me to really make this blog to be able to really express how I feel with any issues this world faces. I had initially intended to begin my first post yesterday because of this, but then I came across the above site's declaration of the "Bloggers Day of Silence" and so I agreed to hold off till today to post. So many bloggers agreed to skip a day of posting and so many more have helped with the cause (too many to name here but there is a huge list at FJWL's website). I spoke of unity when such events take place in this post on my other blog, and I could not be more overjoyed in seeing the amazing turnout here. 

Unity is a beautiful thing, especially when it is intended to support others and further it till no borders exist, for we are all united then.

This day alone will still not heal Japan of all its horrors, though. I will have another post dedicated to numerous ways that intend to help our fellow people in trouble.

I do want to take this moment to thank each and every blogger that is mentioned on there. Your support is wonderful and I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to thank you. Let's continue to use our power to help as many as we can in this world!

Luna-tick Tock

Welcome to a New World

Hello everyone!

Of course, I'm sure you know me via my other blog "Little Luna's Loves" and you're probably wondering now, why would you start up a second blog?! Your answer:

For those who don't know, one of my majors is Philosophy, making me a lover of wisdom, a leisurely thinker. I think a lot, more than my other blog would have you know. I am also a writer from the time of my youth, but that has dwindled a bit in the past few years. I have dedicated that blog to sharing things I love, typically related to fashion, literature, and music, but I wanted a space to express thoughts about the world around me, about myself, about us all. I didn't see that was an appropriate space for such expression, and so I decided to create this one.

Here, it won't be about the outfits I wear or what I'm currently reading or listening to (unless any inspire some deep thought I'd like to share). Here you will see raw thought in the written form. I hope to bring you along on the journey I am setting out on for this country, this world we live in. I may not get the chance to share it all but I hope that I will get to share as much as possible.





You may not like everything you see here, but I would ask that you express why. I want discussion, thought exchange, understanding in creating this. This experience of blogging is not only about me getting words out to you, but the immediate possibility of the audience responding, sounding off, expressing how they feel. This new medium needs to be used to its full potential, and I ask the help of you, the audience, to make it so with me.

I am one of you. Now join me in opening the floor to all so that we can proceed to increase our wisdom and create actions that will change this world for the better.

Welcome to this Mental State.

Luna-tick Tock